GobChartsColours | Manages a fixed list of colours used for colouring the graphics items |
GobChartsBarView | Responsible for drawing BAR charts |
GobChartsFactory | Factory class responsible for the creation of charts at run-time |
GobChartsGraphItems | Manages associations between graph items and model indices |
GobChartsGrid | Generates and manages grid and axes lines |
GobChartsLineView | Responsible for drawing LINE charts |
GobChartsNoCopy | Inheriting from this class disables copying |
GobChartsPieView | Responsible for drawing PIE charts |
GobChartsTextItem | A convenience text item class that can resize itself |
GobChartsToolsWidget | Provides the end-user with the tools to select and customise charts |
GobChartsValidItems | Controls and manages valid model rows |
GobChartsView | |
GobChartsWidget | Main widget class |