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If you are looking for a complex, end-user charting library for use with Qt, this is probably not it. However, if your application is in need of some basic charting functionality and your primary data consists of a one to one mapping of category to value, then I believe that this widget may just be what you need (please see GobChartsWidget for important information regarding usage).
If you want to know more, the official site contains all the information about features and limitations as well as why this library is the way it is.
Please also feel free to contact me for any reason whatsoever.
If you haven't yet, please see the download page for a list of possible download options and ensure that you download the correct version for your compiler.
Simply add
LIBS += -L$$PWD/../path/to/lib -lgobchartswidget INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../path/to/headers DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/..//path/to/headers
to your Qt project file and make sure you "#include <gobchartswidget.h>" where you want to instantiate the widget (the above will work for static linking, if you wish to load the library at runtime, have a look at the API documentation for QLibrary).
Alternatively, if you're using QtCreator, simply right-click on your Qt project, select "Add Library" and follow the prompts.
If you run into the following error when compiling your application with GobChartsWidget:
"QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QPaintDevice"
then there is most probably a discrepancy between the compile mode you are using and that of the library you are linking to, i.e. if you are compiling in "release", then make sure you're using the "release" version of the library and, obviously, if you're compiling in "debug" mode, use the "debug" version.
I developed this widget on Windows 7 and subsequently tested the widget on an Ubuntu (12.04 LTS) virtual machine where I noticed that some of the widget's elements looked downright rubbish.
It seems that the only workaround is to set specific style sheets on the widget for a more polished look. Since I do not wish to make the call with regards to what the widget should or should not look like, I leave this up to you (having said that, I did set a very basic style sheet on the Ubuntu distribution to ensure that the widget layout is correct, the style sheet is distributed with the source - see the "toolswidget" folder for the .txt file).
If you do come up with nice style sheets, I would appreciate it greatly if you could simply copy and paste your style sheet string into this contact form along with the OS name and version you implemented it on so that I may start distributing them along with the widget's source.