![]() |
This is the complete list of members for GobChartsBarView, including all inherited members.
addToGraphItemsContainer(const QModelIndex &valueIndex, QGraphicsItem *item, const QString &legendText) | GobChartsView | protected |
CATEGORY enum value (defined in GobChartsView) | GobChartsView | protected |
category(int row) const | GobChartsView | protected |
clearLegend() | GobChartsView | signal |
createLegendItem(const QColor &colour, const QString &text) | GobChartsView | signal |
dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight) | GobChartsView | protectedslot |
debugLog(QString msg) | GobChartsView | protectedslot |
drawChart() | GobChartsView | |
emitLabelDetails(GobChartsLabel label, const QString &text, const QFont &font, const QColor &colour, Qt::Alignment align) | GobChartsView | signal |
fixedColour() const | GobChartsView | protected |
generateGraphicsItems() | GobChartsBarView | protectedvirtual |
getStateXML(bool includeData=true) const | GobChartsView | |
GobChartsBarView(QWidget *parent=0) | GobChartsBarView | |
GobChartsColumn enum name | GobChartsView | protected |
GobChartsNoCopy() (defined in GobChartsNoCopy) | GobChartsNoCopy | inlineprotected |
GobChartsView(QWidget *parent=0) | GobChartsView | explicitprotected |
gridWidth() const | GobChartsView | protected |
highLightLegendItem(const QString &text) | GobChartsView | signal |
horizontalOffset() const | GobChartsView | protected |
indexAt(const QPoint &point) const | GobChartsView | |
innerSceneRectF() const | GobChartsView | protected |
isIndexHidden(const QModelIndex &index) const | GobChartsView | protected |
isWithinAllowedRange(qreal value) const | GobChartsView | protected |
keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) | GobChartsView | protected |
lastDebugLogMsg(QString) | GobChartsView | signal |
legendItemSelected(const QString &text) | GobChartsView | |
mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *p_event) | GobChartsView | protectedslot |
moveCursor(QAbstractItemView::CursorAction cursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) | GobChartsView | protected |
needsGrid() const | GobChartsBarView | protectedvirtual |
nrValidItems() const | GobChartsView | protected |
requestLabelDetails(GobChartsLabel label) | GobChartsView | slot |
rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end) | GobChartsView | protectedslot |
rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end) | GobChartsView | protectedslot |
scrollTo(const QModelIndex &index, ScrollHint hint=EnsureVisible) | GobChartsView | |
setAllowedDataRange(qreal lowerBoundary, qreal upperBoundary) | GobChartsView | slot |
setDebugLoggingOn(bool logging) | GobChartsView | slot |
setFixedColour(QColor colour) | GobChartsView | slot |
setGridColour(QColor colour) | GobChartsView | slot |
setGridLineStyle(Qt::PenStyle style) | GobChartsView | slot |
setHorizontalGridLines(bool set, int number) | GobChartsView | slot |
setLabelDetails(GobChartsLabel label, const QString &text, const QFont &font, const QColor &colour, Qt::Alignment align) | GobChartsView | slot |
setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model) | GobChartsView | |
setRandomColours() | GobChartsView | slot |
setSelection(const QRect &rect, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command) | GobChartsView | protected |
setShowTotalRange() | GobChartsView | slot |
setStateXML(const QDomNode &viewNode, const QDomNode &dataNode, bool includeData=true) | GobChartsView | |
setVerticalGridLines(bool set, int number) | GobChartsView | slot |
stripSpace(qreal perc) const | GobChartsView | protected |
totalValue() const | GobChartsView | protected |
typeInteger() const | GobChartsBarView | protectedvirtual |
useFixedColour() const | GobChartsView | protected |
validRowList() const | GobChartsView | protected |
VALUE enum value (defined in GobChartsView) | GobChartsView | protected |
value(int row) const | GobChartsView | protected |
verticalOffset() const | GobChartsView | protected |
visualRect(const QModelIndex &index) const | GobChartsView | |
visualRegionForSelection(const QItemSelection &selection) const | GobChartsView | protected |
~GobChartsBarView() | GobChartsBarView | virtual |
~GobChartsNoCopy() (defined in GobChartsNoCopy) | GobChartsNoCopy | inlineprotected |
~GobChartsView() | GobChartsView | virtual |